The Ironclad Booster Pack cards

AmbushCommonAttack1If you have no Block, deal 14 (18) damage.
Blood PactCommonSkill1Lose 2 HP. Gain 12 (16) Block.
DominateCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. If the enemy has Vulnerable, apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
FeintCommonAttack0Deal 3 (5) damage. Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
Blood LustUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you apply Vulnerable, gain 3 Strength. At the start of your turn, lose 1 Strength.
InfernoUncommonSkillUnplayable. If this card is Exhausted, Deal 20 (25) damage to ALL enemies.
Iron WillUncommonSkill1Gain 2 Block for each card in your Exhaust pile (+3).
Lose ControlUncommonSkill0Retain. Add 3 (4) copies of Dazed to your hand.
Battle ReadyRareSkill2 (1)Reduce the cost of all attacks in your hand to 0 this combat. Exhaust.
Golden ArmorRarePower1Lose 1 Dexterity. Gain 10 (12) Plated Armor.

The Ironclad Booster Pack keywords

Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces and be entirely lowercase. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Note, spaces are not allowed in NAMES. Also, they should be entirely lowercase. For multi-word keywords, see the next one.